Mission isn’t a special assignment God gives to a few “special” Christians - it’s the calling of every disciple. Being a disciple means that you evaluate your gifts, skills, and resources in light of how they can best be used to advance God’s mission. Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:18-20), meaning mission is not EITHER local OR global, but BOTH local AND global. Mission begins right here in Asheville, but it extends to the ends of the earth.

There are 3 primary ways in which every Christian who calls Steadfast Church home can be involved in global mission.


Pray – Without God going before us, we won’t succeed. When we pray, we are believing God is faithful to his promises. One of the things God has promised is to build his church (Matt 16:18; Acts 1:8). By praying for our missionaries around the world, we unlock the power of God for his mission.


Give – We want to invite you to invest in what God is doing around the world. Steadfast Church is committed to seeing the gospel proclaimed, Jesus made famous, and Christ’s church planted. Over 12% of our annual operating budget is focused on supporting the missionaries and church planters, and investing in partnerships that expand the mission. So, when you give your offering here at Steadfast, you give to the mission of God.


Go – We’ve challenged every member of Steadfast Church to take at least 2% (1 week) of our lives per year to go to a different context for the sake of the gospel. We are working to provide short-term, mid-term, and long-term opportunities for men & women to participate in the mission of God around the world.

Mtwara, Tanzania

Tanzania - We have partnered with several groups in Mtwara, Tanzania including Compassion International where we support over 100 children in a center; a dozen evangelical churches, focusing on pastor training and helping members launch businesses; and church planters working in unreached areas. To learn more, click HERE.

Medical - Many members of Steadfast Church are health care professionals and are uniquely equipped to minister in developing nations. If you'd like to be involved, contact David Lindrum by email missions@mdcasheville.org.

Compassion International

Mtwara, Tanzania



Steadfast Church | Asheville, NC | Acts 29 Network