Gospel Generosity


Why Give?

We have been given an incredible opportunity to proclaim the gospel of grace by giving generously. We give of our resources regularly, sacrificially, and joyfully in response to Jesus, who, “though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich" (2 Cor. 8:9). Giving enhances our devotion to Jesus and frees us from the idolatry of possessions, while proclaiming his sufficiency and provision.


We process online contributions through a secure & encrypted website via E-checks, or debit/credit card. Click below to set up an account on our online giving platform.


Please make checks payable to Steadfast Church. By contributing via check, you authorize the church to use information from your check to process your payment electronically. These checks may be dropped off in the offering boxes at the exits of the sanctuary or in person at the church offices. They may also be mailed to the address below:

531 Haywood Road
Asheville, NC 28806